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Download Team member Agreement

Magabook Canvass

Magabook Canvass for non-students

Spanish Canvass

Team Member Agreement

Please Read and then fill out aplication!



We work from Sunday to Thursday.  On Friday we get some chores done in preparation for the Sabbath, which is our day of rest from our daily work. On the Sabbath we normally take about two hours of the afternoon to follow up with Bible study interests raised during the week; we also motivate the church members to come out with us and enjoy the blessings of doing God’s will.

During the breaks, we have scheduled times for personal devotion, daily chores, brunch, group devotional and training on a daily basis; all before heading out to work. This is how a tentative schedule looks like:




07:00    Wake up, personal devotion, getting ready for the day

08:00   Group activities (cleaning, cooking, etc.)

09:00   BRUNCH

10:00   Group worship (songs, testimonies, devotional thought and prayer time)

11:00   Training

11:30   Time to canvass

  4:00    LUNCH/SUPPER

  4:30    Back to canvass

  8:30    End work

  8:30    Drive back, Count money, fill out daily report, shower, phone calls, etc.

  9:30    Quiet time – personal devotion

10:30    Lights out (time to sleep)



Please keep in mind this is a tentative schedule for summer time. Usually

Thanksgiving and winter breaks have to be modified to accommodate an earlier sunset.



Team members (TMs) function as missionaries with the Texas Conference Youth Rush Program. We meet daily for worship and training exercises before going out to work. Experienced team leaders provide transportation, supervision, and on-the-job training and support. The program subsidizes the costs of the following,

  1. Lodging – including air mattress but does not include bedding

  2. Transportation – for work and weekend appointments

  3. Food for one main meal – the brunch provided in the morning

  4. Work tools – bag for books, a program t-shirt, radios, books, card reader, etc.

In order to best meet your needs please respond to the following questions to the best of your knowledge.



Your earnings are calculated based on the number of books a team member distributes on a minimum donation basis. This is how it works:

  1. 50% of the total donations received during the time canvassing are for you (the student.) The other 50% stays for the program; this helps cover the expenses of the things that the program provides for the students (e.g. gas, air mattresses, food, books, radios, bags, t-shirts, etc.)


  1. Your earnings will be deposited to your personal bank through payroll at the Texas Conference or you can receive it in a check. To get the scholarship for the summer program you will take your pay stub to the Adventist university or college you are attending as well as a letter from the Publishing department of the Texas Conference.



  1. There is a Program Fee for each break:

    1. Summer break – $170.00

    2. Thanksgiving & Spring breaks – $30

    3. Winter break – $75.00



A special donation is a donation over $200, these are rare but they do happen. With these donations the program does not take 50% of the whole amount, the program will just discount $100 to cover for the books left or books that could have been left and the rest will go to the student.


lets say a student gets a donation of $1,000 instead of splitting that 50/50 with the program they would give $100 to the program to cover for the books left or books that could have been left in the sale and keep the other $900.


Other Considerations

You (the student) is responsible to bring your own bedding, do your laundry, and provide for your own personal travel, recreation, and food not provided by the program.



  1. Arrive and check in on time, late arrivals require special authorization. Be on time for worship, trainings, work, and also fulfill assigned responsibilities promptly.

  2. Be cooperative, helpful, and willing to perform assigned jobs. For example: kitchen duties, packing vans, accounting, etc. All team members are required to participate.

  3. Dress for the Lord. Wear proper attire for weather conditions. Clothes are to be neat, professional, and modest, without undue adornment. Please refer to dress code for a detailed explanation. No jewelry is to be work at any time.

  4. Be familiar with the books and products that you distribute. Know all book presentations and endeavor to continually improve in your work. Your team leaders are there to help, encourage, and train each one to excel. After a reasonable time in the program, if a team member is not succeeding in this line of work, their participation in the program may be reviewed. Here, we refer to a holistic view of the student’s success (spiritually, financially, and mentally.)

  5. Complete daily reports promptly each evening. Receipts must balance with the money received each day. This program’s regulations require that all money collected be turned in and accounted for. The participant is responsible for any lost money and any customer checks or credit cards that do not pay.


  1. Take the necessary precautions to protect your valuables and personal belongings. The program is not responsible for any damage or loss of student’s personal belongings. This includes loss of books, 2-way radios, etc. In case of losing your 2-way radio, you will be charged $50.00. Unauthorized borrowing or stealing of any kind will be immediate grounds for dismissal.

  2. Work in the assigned time, team, and territory. You must complete the days of work and establish your personal goal for the break before it starts. There is a $40.00 fee per missed day of work. Several missed days might lead to a dismissal from the program. There is a $2.00 fee for being late for team activities, breakfast, worship, work, bedtime

  3. Seek to maintain a balanced lifestyle physically, mentally, and spiritually. Endurance and stamina will be required for success, therefore, you are encouraged to eat a low-fat, low sugar, low protein, no flesh, high carbohydrate and fiber diet. Flesh foods are not to be eaten during the program, because it is a conflict of interest and does not represent the health message in the books you are sharing. Drink plenty of water in place of soft drinks, and get adequate rest. To achieve more for God, adopt an exercise program and a consistent devotional life.

  4. Keep focused in the program’s mission and avoid the things that tend to distract attention. No music is to be played during work hours. The music played outside of these hours may be screened by leaders. Classical or easy listening Christian music after work hours may be allowed. Playing video games, watching secular videos, and attending the movie theater are discouraged because they tend to distract the team members from their missions. Also, all visiting or visitation from family and friends should be done during the weekend. This is required because of the intensity of the program and the necessity of quality rest. Phone calls are always permitted but must be completed outside of work hours and before lights out, otherwise, they should be made during the weekend.

  5. Use discretion in your interpersonal relationships. Special relationships, (male and female) within the program are to be put on hold during the program. These relationships are an important part of life, however, the situation is rather sensitive, especially because ladies and gentleman live under the same roof (not room) during the program. The main focus of this program is not to chaperone any relationship but to help finish God’s work through literature distribution and evangelism. This puts serious demands on team members to master the concepts of literature ministry. Therefore, if a relationship is formed within a program, between two participant members, one or both may be moved to a different group from our program (if possible), or released from the program. If one of them is sent to a different group, they might still be able to see each other if the two groups plan activities together on certain days. Team members should avoid temptation and compromising positions. Team members are not allowed in sleeping room of the opposite sex. A single male and female may not remain alone at any place and/or time. Always avoid the appearance of evil. Also, from much experience, we strongly encourage group settings instead of opposite sex meetings for worship, prayer, or other forms of private meeting. Misconduct with the same or opposite sex or sexual misconduct of any kind will be immediate grounds for dismissal from the program. Offenders will pay their own expenses for returning back home. During this period of your life, God wants your full attention as He teaches you how to do His work. Please contact leader for additional questions.

  6. Maintain a positive attitude and help others do the same. Avoid negative thinking and critical speaking. TMs are discouraged from soliciting money from church members for personal use or for tuition. Focus on giving the books to the people, and God will take care of your financial needs. Practice Christian kindness. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem. Exercise your faith! Become a person of prayer and power. Enjoy your time working for the Lord.

  7. Any form of physical or aggressive verbal abuse will be grounds for immediate dismissal from the program and any extra expense occurred will be charged to the offender.

  8. When resolving conflicts, the Mathew 18:15-17 principle should always be used. According to the Bible, the one who feels hurt is the one to initiate the process. That is, try to resolve differences with the other person(s) immediately and in private. If this does not work, a team leader should then be included. If then the issue is still not resolved, the supervisor/director is to be contacted. Information should not be shared with individuals who are not involved – especially with someone outside the team. Remember that the purpose of this principle is to redeem your brother/sister and not simply to voice feelings of anger or frustration. This process should always be entered upon with prayer and humility.

  9. The group will be working together as partners in the same area and streets but they will work separately at the doors. When working, students will be with someone else only if the leader in charge recommends another companion to knock the doors.

  10.  Students are not allowed to bring food in the work bags. Food should be in a separated bag or container and left at the van. There will be specific time for lunch.



















Dress is truly individualistic. Each person has a right to his/her own likes and dislikes. However, this program reserves the right to require certain dress standards. Due to unique nature of literature ministry, team members are asked to comply with the following dress code:


1. Neat – ironed, clean and impeccable personal hygiene. (Daily showers, use of deodorant, teeth brushed, hair properly cut and well groomed – no dreadlocks or distracting colors or styles.)


2. Presentable – First impressions are extremely important for door-to-door work. Because of this, during work hours you are to dress with a presentable (we are going to have a t-shirt), Christian look. A presentable and Christian look does not allow for large advertising emblems, loud colors or distracting designs and combinations. No noticeable makeup, distracting hairstyles or jewelry please.

Males – Attractive, well-fitting slacks or jeans with belts (no tight or ultra-baggy pants on the job). Shirts must be tucked in and have collars (e.g. Polo shirt). Must wear at least a T-shirt when outside their room – no tank tops.

Females – Slacks or jeans (not too tight, and no holes) and tops/blouses with sleeves. You may wear skirts if you rather, they must reach at least to your knee when sitting. No tank tops or spaghetti straps – must cover the shoulders and upper arm. No low necklines – clothes must cover cleavage and fall below beltline. No tight fitting, see-through, high splitting or short skirts. Tops must have sleeves and cover all your belly and back. Skirts and dresses must cover the knee when sitting. We will ask you to change your skirt if it goes above your knee (we hope you understand.)


3. Modesty – Modesty is part of the Christian life. In this area we particularly separate ourselves from worldly dress. When at work, at church, or play, the clothes should not be tight fitting or revealing in any way. This is very important to your personal witness as well as to your safety on the streets and in the homes. If you choose to wear shorts during non-working hours, they must be loose-fitting and cover the thigh. If you choose to swim in a mixed group setting, swim wear is to include shorts and T-shirts. Team members are also required to be modestly dressed at the residence and especially when going to and from the bathroom and/or the shower area (not just a towel.)




Your belief in Christ’s soon coming separates you from the world. This is to be shown in all aspects of your life. Dress is a major area to distinguish your life as different and Christian. “Christians are in no case to be careless or indifferent in regard to their outward appearance. They are to be neat and trim, though without adornment.” –Ellen White, Ye shall receive power, p. 92. You should continue to study dress and its principles from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.





A team member with the Texas Conference Student Magabook Program is one who feels called by God to provide the public with publications and services that will help them enjoy a closer relationship with Jesus and prepare them for His soon return. Recognizing this sacred responsibility, this ministry involves, but is not limited to, a balance of the following essentials:


1. Taking time every day for spiritual, professional, and physical improvement through meditation, prayer, study, planning, and exercise.

2. Developing a sound presentation for each product and service available.

3. Being prompt to work and to other scheduled activities and programs. This includes attendance and participation in scheduled weekend group activities and special Literature Evangelist church services.

4. Practicing the following safety guidelines:


a. The 2-way radio should be carried everywhere and must be on.

b. When walking between houses, partners should keep an eye out for each other. If somet looks suspicious, the supervisor should be called on the 2-way radio immediately.

c. Females should never enter a house alone where there are only males. Another female or a canvassing partner must be present before entering.

d. The supervisor/team leader should be immediately called (using the designated call code) if team member is harassed or feels threatened, whether in a house or on the street.


5. Completing customer surveys and enrolling as many people as possible in Bible study courses, referring genuine interests to the attention of the supervisor or the local church.

6. Promptly turning in ALL funds collected and submitting accurate activity reports each day. The Texas Conference Youth Rush Program team member represents and upholds the beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, works for the goal of spreading the gospel through literature evangelism, and demonstrates a wholehearted commitment to finish the gospel commission found in Matthew 28:19


Contact Us!


Joshua Reyna


Texas Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists

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